As stewards of Willowsford’s 2,000 acres of open space, the Willowsford Conservancy asked us to help them promote their activities in trail management, organic farming and educational programming for the community. The website we created helps connect residents to the many events, programs and recreational amenities that enrich the quality of life at Willowsford.
Our creative exploration for the website began with Expressioneering, where we considered multiple options for graphics, typography, text, tone and imagery.
One of the key selling points of Willowsford is its 300-acre organic farm, which is under the management of Willowsford Conservancy. We have supported the farm with establishing a stand-alone retail identity.
The final website shows the integration of many of the ideas presented in the Expressioneering phase, and is designed to educate residents about the natural world they have access to and can help protect as stewards of the property.
Each season, we support the farm with promotions for CSA membership and to provide updates on farm expansion.