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  • Your Brand Is Your Edge in an Ever-Changing Real Estate Market

    The real estate landscape is shifting – what’s going to set you apart?

    Homebuyers today are market savvy and they place a high value on authenticity and connection. So, as the market cools and buyers are faced with more options, how they perceive your brand may very well be the deciding factor in choosing your community—or your home—over the next.

    Last month, we talked about market dynamics and what you can do now to make sure your community is in a strong position to compete. This month, we’re diving into the specifics.

    Whether you work with an agency or try it on your own, you’ll need a strong foundation to build your brand platform.

    Target Markets

    The first step in your brand positioning is to identify your target markets so you know who your brand needs to resonate with most. But rather than consider them as groups, our best recommendation is to relate to them as individuals. Create a buyer persona for one person or family who represents each target market. What’s the life event that’s spurring a new home search? Where are they currently living? What’s their biggest frustration? What’s their highest hope for their next move? Remember that buying a home (and leaving a home) is the most emotional purchase decision most people will ever make, and choosing your community will have a huge impact on their quality of life. 

    Situation Analysis (S.W.O.T.)

    Your community will have a unique combination of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Often, the tendency is to want to focus only on strengths and opportunities. But there can be great placemaking and positioning opportunities in addressing weaknesses and threats, too. Your community may be in a remote area, for example, but that can lend itself to a hidden oasis feeling or bring an opportunity for recreation residents wouldn’t otherwise have. 

    Brand Ideal

    Studies show most people will remember three or four main things about a new community. So, if you could have them be anything, what would they be? The discipline of determining that with your team can bring clarity and focus to your communications as well as to your land planning. This is really asking: what do you want to be known for? If you have an existing brand, you can also compare this to how your community is currently described, and look at how to address the gaps.

    Brand Character

    Our favorite places are a lot like our favorite people. They have a unique personality, and we enjoy spending time with them. How do you want people to feel when they interact with your community, and how do you want them to describe it? The personality attributes you identify will help you craft communications that reflect a brand character only your community can deliver. 

    Mood Boards

    Finally, try to express your community’s personality visually. One of the best ways to do this can be through mood boards. We put together various color palettes, textures, type and photography styles to spark discussion about what feels on brand for your community. Most people don’t have a lot of language around design, but they know what feels right when they see it, so playing with a range of ideas can help you zero in on a design and feeling tone for your community, which will help guide brand elements going forward. 

    We hope this gives you some ideas for where to start with your brand positioning, but we know it’s a difficult thing to do on your own. If you want to make it a lot more fun (and effective), we love nothing more than to collaborate on developing distinctive brands.

    If you’re ready to get off the ground, let’s connect!

    Contact Us

    Q&A with Stacey Kessinger, VP of Marketing at Timber Ridge

    For those of you in the builder-developer world of Northern Virginia, you may know Stacey Kessinger from the Willowsford, Virginia Crossing and Hartland communities. Always a good sport, she agreed to be first up to help us celebrate National Get to Know Your Customers (or, in our case, clients) Day! Read on for insights into her time marketing master-planned communities.

    Where are you from?

    Born in Iowa but grew up in NOVA and live here now with my husband and two kids. 

    Name your favorite ad/commercial of all time?

    If you show me a Nike commercial there’s a good chance, I love it. I have so much respect for their marketing department. They are incredibly creative, authentic and unapologetically true to their brand. This one happens to be one of all my time favs: Nike Commercial – You Can’t Stop Sport – Bing video

    What was your very first job?

    Subway when I was 15.  I was too young to drive so my parents used to drop me off and pick me up.

    What brought you into marketing?

    I guess you could say I fell into it by chance. I began my career in real estate and worked all different aspects of the profession until I found that marketing and sales were really my true passion. I love the aspect of bringing creativity to home sales. It’s my two great loves rolled into one. When I was a kid, I never played dolls or barbies but I would set up elaborate homes for them to live in, tear them all apart, and then start over again.  

    Favorite new home trend and one you wish never existed?

    I love the more modern open concept trend and the jewel box trend, especially a combo of the two. I would take high ceilings and an exceptional quality of finishes over additional sq. ft any day.  For my own personal taste, I’m not a fan of two-story family rooms. I’m not saying it doesn’t work or have a place in the market, it’s just not for me.

    Okay, quiz time! How long has SparkFire been your go-to ad agency?

    Yikes, I think it’s been since 2016 if my memory serves me correctly? 

    SparkFire: Correct!

    Do you have a favorite project we’ve collabed on? 

    The brand update for Willowsford has to be my favorite. It stayed true to the original Willowsford roots but gave it a fresh and elevated look and was exactly what I was hoping to bring to the brand as I took the reins for the first time. This was my first big project with SparkFire but also on my own as a marketer and one that I will always hold close to my heart.  

    All-time favorite marketing event from Willowsford

    This is a really hard question because there were so many events to be proud of.  Even though it was a smaller scale event I loved our “Fall in Love” with Willowsford series on Valentine’s each year. From the creative, to the Georgetown Cupcakes, to the candy bar, to the kids’ activities it was always a rewarding and successful event. Packaged together we were able to spend less than our large-scale community events but typically find the same sales success. 

    Spill the beans, which model was your favorite at Willowsford? We’ll tell you ours if you tell us yours.

    SO HARD. I probably have to go with the Camberley model.  Everything about that home was gorgeous and the quality of finishes and attention to detail were amazing. They really took the time to merchandise the Willowsford brand throughout the home which resonated with prospects and buyers.  

    SparkFire: We would have to agree. The master bath alone takes the win…that tub!

    Is there a new master-planned community amenity or selling point that you think we’re going to be seeing a lot of in the future? 

    I think creating a place to interact with each other will stick with us for some time. People want to be part of a community and connect with each other. Trails, paths, and active outdoor spaces will never get old. And I’m just going to say it – everyone wants a beautiful pool space, that’s never going to go away.

    What’s your favorite part of developing a new community from scratch?

    Hands down – placemaking. Don’t tell anyone but I love creating the personality of a community even more then I love marketing it.  

    Is there one thing you’ve done at work/for work that you never would have expected to do?

    Be interviewed on live television. I’ll never get used to that, nor will I ever enjoy it. I’m truly an introvert at heart.  

    What are you most proud of professionally?

    Stepping into Laura Cole’s HUGE shoes and not failing.  

    If you could start a community from the ground up anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

    Charleston, South Carolina, because it’s my favorite place on earth.  

    What’s the toughest part of working in home development?

    Unhappy homeowners…can I say that?

    Your all-time favorite Timber Ridge memory?

    I have so many… every team dinner, every holiday celebration, every winery outing.  I guess any activity with the team that involves alcohol, lol. We’re a very small, close-knit team and they don’t feel like coworkers, the team feels like an extended family.

    Nature trails or tennis courts?

    Nature trails – no question.

    Modern farmhouse or coastal cottage?

    Yikes, can I have both or meld the two together?  I love both styles.  Just give me either of them in Charleston and I’m never coming home.

    Getting in (Brand) Position for the Market Ahead

    Market dynamics are changing rapidly, and it’s a good time to make sure your community is in a strong position to compete.

    What we’re hearing most from developers, homebuilders and homebuyers alike, is that it’s hard to know what the right moves are. We don’t have a historical reference point to show us a market quite like this one, which makes big decisions feel riskier. 

    In uncertain times, we look for what we can count on, and your brand tells people a lot about that.

    At its root, branding is about how we communicate who we are. When what you communicate with buyers comes from authentic vision and values, promises are more likely to be delivered on consistently. That creates a credible brand that supports transactions today, and builds trust over time.

    Here’s why you want to make sure your brand is well defined in the market to come.

    Capture Market Share

    If your community’s brand expresses a vision and value set that are being delivered on site, it will make the home-buying decision feel safer for your buyers (which means faster), and put you in a better position to capture market share as competition starts to rise.

    Build a Strong Pipeline

    A strong brand also helps build a strong pipeline, by creating preference for your community when the time is right for the buyer. When someone aspires to buy into your community, and you can reinforce that aspiration over time, it narrows down their choice set to your advantage.

    Differentiate Your Community as a Place

    Community brands are also critical to help buyers understand the intangible qualities that differentiate your community as a place. In a time when many homes, floorplans, finishes, features and lot sizes are roughly equal, the place-making and programming that weave the fabric of the community together can be the deciding factor that motivates people to choose your community. 

    Cultivate Powerful Brand Ambassadors

    Finally, when a community brand matches the community experience, it can create a great deal of community pride. And that, in turn, makes powerful brand ambassadors out of your residents, who encourage friends and family to make the same move as they did. 

    Overall, in a time of rapidly changing market dynamics and fewer active buyers, a strong brand is an essential tool to build trust with your buyers, help them buy with confidence, and earn resident referrals.

    That’s a Wrap, 2022 – A Year in Review

    As we move into the New Year, we’re thankful for the amazing people and unique communities we’ve had the pleasure of working with and look ahead to new projects and adventures for our team to take on in 2023.

    But first, take a walk down memory lane with us as we look back on
    some of our favorite moments from last year.

    • We had a big video shoot at Hartland with our friends at Skipper Films this summer – some of us even filled in as talent!
    • Celebrated Hartland’s win at the Great American Living Awards for Best Online Advertising Campaign, Best Sales Display and Best Information Sales Center.
    • Planned and marketed Hartland’s first annual event – Hartland Fall Harvest & Open House. We also launched their quarterly Open Houses with new creative for each event, including a holiday special, Cupcakes, Cocoa & Champagne.
    • The team went to Pittsboro, NC, to direct a two-day photo shoot at Chatham Park, which gave us great photos to use on their upcoming website redesign.
    • Paddles Swim & Pickleball had their grand opening in Vineyards at Chatham Park. We designed the pool and pickleball club logo, landing page, e-flyer announcements, membership and grand opening invites.
    • Jaimee was invited to lead a fireside chat with Taylor Morrison CMO, Stephanie McCarty, during ULI’s Fall Meeting.
    • Jaimee also led a discussion on “Marketing for a New Mindset” for the ULI Community Development Council, as we all face the challenges of a changing market.
    • Traveled to Hershey, PA for a very special VIP event at Hershey West End.
    • Following the web refresh, Lakewood Ranch won Silver at the NAHB’s Nationals awards for Best Website, teeing them up for the Gold at the upcoming awards.
    • Connor, our interactive web developer, flew out from Chicago to celebrate SparkFire Branding’s 7-year anniversary. It was everyone’s first time trying ultimate archery followed by a fantastic team dinner.
    • We moved offices and gained a floofy new office team mate, Bozley. And the SparkFire wolfpack grew with Cody’s new pup, Oakley. Just look at those faces!
    • All-in-all we completed over 200 pieces of collateral this year. That includes everything from e- flyers, logos, print ads, digital ads, brochures, business cards, branded merchandise, postcards, indoor and outdoor signage, to rack cards, tri-folds, magazines, maps, flyers, banners, a-frames, window clings, and fence wraps. If you can think of it—we’ll get it done!

    Thank you to all of our incredible clients who allow us to keep doing what we love—placemaking and marketing exceptional communities across the country.

    We can’t wait to see what 2023 has in store for us.