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  • Q&A with Stacey Kessinger, VP of Marketing at Timber Ridge

    For those of you in the builder-developer world of Northern Virginia, you may know Stacey Kessinger from the Willowsford, Virginia Crossing and Hartland communities. Always a good sport, she agreed to be first up to help us celebrate National Get to Know Your Customers (or, in our case, clients) Day! Read on for insights into her time marketing master-planned communities.

    Where are you from?

    Born in Iowa but grew up in NOVA and live here now with my husband and two kids. 

    Name your favorite ad/commercial of all time?

    If you show me a Nike commercial there’s a good chance, I love it. I have so much respect for their marketing department. They are incredibly creative, authentic and unapologetically true to their brand. This one happens to be one of all my time favs: Nike Commercial – You Can’t Stop Sport – Bing video

    What was your very first job?

    Subway when I was 15.  I was too young to drive so my parents used to drop me off and pick me up.

    What brought you into marketing?

    I guess you could say I fell into it by chance. I began my career in real estate and worked all different aspects of the profession until I found that marketing and sales were really my true passion. I love the aspect of bringing creativity to home sales. It’s my two great loves rolled into one. When I was a kid, I never played dolls or barbies but I would set up elaborate homes for them to live in, tear them all apart, and then start over again.  

    Favorite new home trend and one you wish never existed?

    I love the more modern open concept trend and the jewel box trend, especially a combo of the two. I would take high ceilings and an exceptional quality of finishes over additional sq. ft any day.  For my own personal taste, I’m not a fan of two-story family rooms. I’m not saying it doesn’t work or have a place in the market, it’s just not for me.

    Okay, quiz time! How long has SparkFire been your go-to ad agency?

    Yikes, I think it’s been since 2016 if my memory serves me correctly? 

    SparkFire: Correct!

    Do you have a favorite project we’ve collabed on? 

    The brand update for Willowsford has to be my favorite. It stayed true to the original Willowsford roots but gave it a fresh and elevated look and was exactly what I was hoping to bring to the brand as I took the reins for the first time. This was my first big project with SparkFire but also on my own as a marketer and one that I will always hold close to my heart.  

    All-time favorite marketing event from Willowsford

    This is a really hard question because there were so many events to be proud of.  Even though it was a smaller scale event I loved our “Fall in Love” with Willowsford series on Valentine’s each year. From the creative, to the Georgetown Cupcakes, to the candy bar, to the kids’ activities it was always a rewarding and successful event. Packaged together we were able to spend less than our large-scale community events but typically find the same sales success. 

    Spill the beans, which model was your favorite at Willowsford? We’ll tell you ours if you tell us yours.

    SO HARD. I probably have to go with the Camberley model.  Everything about that home was gorgeous and the quality of finishes and attention to detail were amazing. They really took the time to merchandise the Willowsford brand throughout the home which resonated with prospects and buyers.  

    SparkFire: We would have to agree. The master bath alone takes the win…that tub!

    Is there a new master-planned community amenity or selling point that you think we’re going to be seeing a lot of in the future? 

    I think creating a place to interact with each other will stick with us for some time. People want to be part of a community and connect with each other. Trails, paths, and active outdoor spaces will never get old. And I’m just going to say it – everyone wants a beautiful pool space, that’s never going to go away.

    What’s your favorite part of developing a new community from scratch?

    Hands down – placemaking. Don’t tell anyone but I love creating the personality of a community even more then I love marketing it.  

    Is there one thing you’ve done at work/for work that you never would have expected to do?

    Be interviewed on live television. I’ll never get used to that, nor will I ever enjoy it. I’m truly an introvert at heart.  

    What are you most proud of professionally?

    Stepping into Laura Cole’s HUGE shoes and not failing.  

    If you could start a community from the ground up anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

    Charleston, South Carolina, because it’s my favorite place on earth.  

    What’s the toughest part of working in home development?

    Unhappy homeowners…can I say that?

    Your all-time favorite Timber Ridge memory?

    I have so many… every team dinner, every holiday celebration, every winery outing.  I guess any activity with the team that involves alcohol, lol. We’re a very small, close-knit team and they don’t feel like coworkers, the team feels like an extended family.

    Nature trails or tennis courts?

    Nature trails – no question.

    Modern farmhouse or coastal cottage?

    Yikes, can I have both or meld the two together?  I love both styles.  Just give me either of them in Charleston and I’m never coming home.