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  • Getting in (Brand) Position for the Market Ahead

    Market dynamics are changing rapidly, and it’s a good time to make sure your community is in a strong position to compete.

    What we’re hearing most from developers, homebuilders and homebuyers alike, is that it’s hard to know what the right moves are. We don’t have a historical reference point to show us a market quite like this one, which makes big decisions feel riskier. 

    In uncertain times, we look for what we can count on, and your brand tells people a lot about that.

    At its root, branding is about how we communicate who we are. When what you communicate with buyers comes from authentic vision and values, promises are more likely to be delivered on consistently. That creates a credible brand that supports transactions today, and builds trust over time.

    Here’s why you want to make sure your brand is well defined in the market to come.

    Capture Market Share

    If your community’s brand expresses a vision and value set that are being delivered on site, it will make the home-buying decision feel safer for your buyers (which means faster), and put you in a better position to capture market share as competition starts to rise.

    Build a Strong Pipeline

    A strong brand also helps build a strong pipeline, by creating preference for your community when the time is right for the buyer. When someone aspires to buy into your community, and you can reinforce that aspiration over time, it narrows down their choice set to your advantage.

    Differentiate Your Community as a Place

    Community brands are also critical to help buyers understand the intangible qualities that differentiate your community as a place. In a time when many homes, floorplans, finishes, features and lot sizes are roughly equal, the place-making and programming that weave the fabric of the community together can be the deciding factor that motivates people to choose your community. 

    Cultivate Powerful Brand Ambassadors

    Finally, when a community brand matches the community experience, it can create a great deal of community pride. And that, in turn, makes powerful brand ambassadors out of your residents, who encourage friends and family to make the same move as they did. 

    Overall, in a time of rapidly changing market dynamics and fewer active buyers, a strong brand is an essential tool to build trust with your buyers, help them buy with confidence, and earn resident referrals.